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Reason Why Rich People Have Small Number of Children While Poor People Have Quite A Lot (Opinion)

Compassion, we believe that every child is a precious gift from God: 'Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him,' Psalm 127:3. Each child has a purpose, and whether a family chose to expand for social, cultural, religious or economic reasons, it is our responsibility as a society to care for our most vulnerable.

It can be said authoritatively that poor people have more children than the rich. While the rich man considers maintaining his own small family, the poor give little consideration to the number of children they have.

However, one might be wondering why poor people still choose to have as many children as possible despite their financial state.

Here we take a look at some of the factors that contribute to larger families.

It's a mindset. A wrong mindset.

To the rich, children are mostly a liability. They have to be cared for, well fed, educated, protected etc. It's a serious job that requires full time employees with board of directors and a paid secretary, and that's why we have Parents - well meaning and deserving parents.

To the poor, children is wealth. They don't necessarily care about educating the child or feeding him. They don't necessarily care about the future well-being of the child before giving birth, the child has to figure that out when he's grown. They have no plans for the children they produce on a yearly basis. Poor people believe so much on Destiny, they believe that the childs Destiny will determine his or her future... Talk about gambling, this is worse.

It's not always a mindset. Most often it is also helplessness. Poor communities in many parts of Asia and Africa are also fiercely patriarchal which means women are denied basic human rights. With no control over their bodies, girls as young as 12 or 13 are forced to become mothers. So many of them are married off to men several decades older against their will. This doesn't happen in affluent societies that are educated and aware. Educated women are richer and have more control over their lives.

One important thing nature has eluded poor people is education…modern day education. Poor people either don't like contraceptives, never heard about it or they simply can't afford.

Poverty is the worst thing you could wish on anyone, yes even your enemies. I know because I have been there.

Poverty doesn't just affect your physical well-being, it deprives one of everything considered glamorous.

Poverty is a disease.

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