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Check Out Free General Delsu Post Utme Past Questions

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1. The major raw material for pottery is………………………..

A. Metal

B. Ceramics

C. Cement

D. Clay


2. Which of the following will sink when placed on water?

A. ball

B. plastic cup

C. balloon

D. eraser


3. The following are domestic birds except

A. duck

B. pigeon

C. turkey

D. vulture


4. The degree of hotness and coldness of a place is called

A. rainfall

B. humidity

C. temperature

D. weather


5. A place where two rivers meet is called

A. confluence

B. junction

C. joint

D. delta


6. Which of the following is not a mammal

A. whale

B. dog

C. cat

D. shark



7. How many Lunar months make one year

A. 13

B. 11

C. 12

D. 14


8. Nigeria started using N200 notes on

A. 1st Feb, 2000

B. 5th May, 2001

C. 20th August, 2000

D. 1st Nov. 2000.


9. Queen Elizabeth visited Nigeria for the second time on

A. 3rd Dec. 2003

B. 2nd October. 1980

C. 7th June 1985

D. 14th June 1979


10. The International organization responsible for taking care of the injured is known as …………

A. Red Cross Society


C. World Bank

D. Man O’War.



11. Which of the following is linked with CONFLUENCE

A. Niger State

B. Kogi State

C. Benue State

D. None of above


12. A patient suffering from Night blindness requires

A. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin E

C. Cacium only

D. Iodine


13. Zebra crossing is for —————

A. Playground

B. Easy transport action of Zebra

C. Safety of Pedestrians

D. Zoological garden.


14. In which part of Africa will you find Tanzania

A. West Africa

B. North Africa

C. Southern Africa

D. East Africa


15. Today is Monday. After 63 days, it will be:

A. Wednesday

B. Monday

C. Tuesday

D. Saturday


16. The title of the traditional ruler of Benin is called…………………………..

A. Obi

B. Obong

C. Oba

D. Igwe


17. Which of these is not a method of preventing iron from rusting?

A. Lubrication

B. Galvanization

C. Melting

D. Painting


18. Which of the following is not a rainbow colour?

A. Indigo

B. Purple

C. Orange

D. Green


19. A person who flies an aircraft is called ………………

A. captain

B. craftologist

C. a pilot

D. an aeronautics engineer


20. Kwame Nkrumah Museum is located in ………………….

A. Tanzania

B. Kenya

C. Mauritania

D. Ghana


21. An example of confluence town in Nigeria is …………………..

A. Onitsha

B. Obudu

C. Lokoja

D. Port Harcout


22. A trained person that specializes in the treatment of diseases and disorders of the teeth is called…………….

A. Cardiologist

B. Dermatologist

C. Physician

D. Dentist


23. In which country is Mississippi river


B. Argentina

C. Brazil

D. Canada.


24. In parliamentary system of government, members of the parliament are required to report the proceedings of the house to their…………………………

A. Local government chairman and governors

B. Constituencies

C. Political parties and party stalwarts

D. Traditional rulers


25. One essential duty of a citizen to his/her state is to………………………

A. Vote and support the government in power

B. Recite the national anthem and the pledge

C. Pay his tax

D. Encourage other citizens to be loyal


26. Under whose regime were Delta and Adamawa States created?

A. Gen Sanni Abacha

B. Gen yakubu Gowon

C. Gen Murtala Muhammed

D. Gen Ibrahim Babangida


27. The body charged with the responsibility of regulating and protecting consumers against illicit foods and drugs in Nigeria

A. Consumer protection council

B. Standard Organization of Nigeria

C. National Drug Law Enforcement agency

D. National Agency for Food, Drug Administration and Control


28. The senate president during the second republic was…………………….

A. Dr. Joseph Wayas

B. Senator Anyim Pius Anyim

C. Senator Iyorchia Ayu

D. Chief Adopous Wabara



29. We eat Carbohydrate food to give us……………………..

A. Energy

B. Good sight

C. Good teeth

D. Strong bones


30. President Barrack Obama is the ……………… president of the United States of America and first African-American president of U.S.

A. 35th

B. 44th

C. 40th

D. 39th




The head of the Commonwealth of Nations is

A) Queen Elizabeth 11

B) Don McKinnon

C) Tony Blair

D) Margaret Thatcher


The main focus of the ECOWAS Monitoring Group (ECOMOG) is the

A) maintenance of peace in troubled sports of West Africa

B) installation of unpopular governments in West Africa

C) protection of oil pipelines along the coast of West Africa

D) promotion of the military rule


The political parties that were established in West Africa between 1945 and 1965 fought for

A) national conferences

B) political independence

C) supremacy among themselves

D) regional integration


The first military d’etat in West Africa was staged in

A) Niger

B) Guinea

C) Togo

D) Ghana


One of the defect of military government is

A) freedom of expression

B) registration of parties

C) abuse of Human Rights

D) promotion of military officers


The major defect of foreign policy in West Africa is

A) public opinion and pressure groups

B) military power

C) good economy

D) poor leadership


The type of government where the central authority is superior to the component authorities is a

A) parliamentary system of government

B) representative system of government

C) confederal system of government

D) federal system of government


The Exclusive List in a federal system state includes

A) education

B) market

C) defence

D) transportation


Devolution of power is associated with a

A) decentralized political system

B) feudal political system

C) totalitarian political system

D) centralized political system


The degree of centralization is high in a

A) unitary system of government

B) federal system of government

C) confederal system of government

D) representative government


One of the techniques of monetary control used by the central bank of Nigeria is

A)selective credit control

B)budget deficit

C)foreign exchange control

D)monitoring the general price level


Crude petroleum is a good example of a

A)lasting asset

B)wasting asset

C)synthetic product

D)costless resources


A major effect of a long distribution chain is

A)scarcity of commodities

B)high retail

C)low retail prices

D)low producer earnings


One of the major criticism of the 1962 -1968 National Development Plan was that?

A)it failed to incorporate lessons gained from earlier plans to enhance its efficiency

B)it came too quickly after the country’s independence

C)planned expenditure was based too heavily on expected earnings from crude oil

D)its execution was based largely on foreign-sourced financial resources


The utility is the satisfaction derived from?






Economic growth is different from economic development because economic growth

A)describes expansion and changes

B)is measurable but not objective

C)describes expansion and not change

D)is not measurable but objective


One feature of a Unitary State is

A) the large size of the country

B) high level of economic development

C) absence of constitutional division of power to the units

D) presence of heterogeneous groups


A type of government which allows co-ordinate units to make law is


A) federal

B) monarchical

C) unitary

D) presidential


A characteristic of the parliamentary system is that

A) separation of power is not strictly observed

B) the prime minister combines the executive and ceremonial functions

C) the president can dismiss any minister without much hindrance

D) the ministers are responsible individually to the president


The political way of life which is developed by the society is referred to as

A) communalism

B) political culture

C) agency of socialization

D) political socialization


Fundamental Human rights can be defined as

A) freedoms enshrined in the constitution

B) the provisions of the constitution of the ruling political party

C) the provisions of the local government constitution

D) regulations about works welfare


A system of government that is made up of elected people is referred to as

A) representatative government

B) Socialist Government

C) capitalist government

D) feudalist government


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) is made up of

A) Justice Ministers

B) Foreign Affairs Ministers

C) Education Ministers

D) Defence Ministers


A government that is constituted by several parties after a general election is referred to as

A) elite government

B) fascist government

C) illegitimate government

D) national government




Disenfranchisement means

A) right to vote and be voted for

B) right to from government

C) to be disqualified from voting

D) disallowing free elections


Which of the following is a major feature of an Electoral Commission?

A) Support for the ruling party

B) Control by government

C) Privately funded

D) Political neutrality


If X represents the factors of production and Y represents the factor price, which of the following sets of association is correct?


A)(land, rent) (capital, wage), (labour, profit)

B)(land, interest) (capital,profit), (labour, wage)

C)(land, wage), (capital, interest), (labour, rent)

D)(land,rent), (capital, interest), (labour, wage)


If the cost of production for a firm continues to increase as it output rises, the firm is said to be experiencing?


A)large-scale production

B)profit maximization

C)economies of scale

D)diseconomies of scale


Given the perfect competition in the capital market, the opportunity cost of capital is adequately reflected by the?


A)interest rate

B)returns on capital

C)alternative capital foregone

D)shadow price of foreign exchange


If 10k per kg, 1000kg of yam were purchased and at 5k per kg, 1,500kg were purchased, the resultant point elasticity of demand is?







If, as the price of a commodity rises, the quantity demanded of the commodity remains the same, then the demand for the commodity is?



B)infinitely elastic

C)externally determined

D)perfectly inelastic


Which of the following factors is an important determinant of the magnitude of price elasticity of demand?


A)The production period

B)Cost of storage

C)Durability of the product

D)Availability of factors of production


The marginal theory of distribution makes an assertion that the price of any factor depends upon its marginal.




C)rate of substitution



In order to increase its profit margin, the monopolist can manipulate

A)both price and output

B)either price or output

C)only its price

D)only its output


For a purely competitive industry, a fundamental requirement of the demand curve faced by individual firms is that it should be.


A)downward sloping and price inelastic

B)perfectly price elastic

C)downward sloping but price inelastic

D)perfectly price inelastic


The merging of firms engage in different stages of production and marketing is called?

A)external economies of scale

B)vertical integration

C)horizontal intergration

D)economic union


Which of the following groups fall into the Civil Service?

A)The police, the army, and the air force

B)Employees of NEPA, NNPC and NRC

C)Employees of ministries of finance, education and transportation

D)All of the above


The recruitment or appointment of the permanent secretary is one of the duties of:

A) The federal public service commission

B) The state civil service commission

C) The executive

D) The National Assembly


In the organizational structure of the ministry or government department, offices and positions are:

A) Hierarchically arranged

B) Diagonally arranged

C) Secretly arranged

D) Haphazardly arranged


The government maintains monopoly over certain services for:

A) Selfish reasons

B) Security and strategic reasons

C) Undisclosed reasons

D) All of the above


Ministers of local government and chieftaincy affairs were abolished in Nigeria by:


A) General Yakubu Gowon

B) General Murtala Mohammed

C) President Ibrahim Babangida

D) General Olusegun Obasanjo


Policy analysis, policy implementation and plan setting are some of the functions of:

A) The legislature

B) The executive

C) The local government

D) The civil service


Public corporations can be controlled through:


A) Riots

B) Public opinion

C) Civil disobedience

D) None of the above


The general supervision of a public corporation is carried out by the

A) Board of directors

B) Board of trustees

C) Managing director

D) Secretary of the board


The local government in Nigeria is created to:

A) Create more civil service jobs

B) Encourage competition and rivalry among communities

C) Bring the government nearer to the people

D) Prevent the creation of more states


The Civil Service embraces all workers in:

A) All private corporations

B) Public and private companies

C) Government ministries

D) Public corporations

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